למה? ככה
Quando vivevo in Italia notizie del genere mi facevano bollire di rabbia, scrivevo ovunque lunghi messaggi su questa disparità di trattamento. Come se i sogni di Rachel Corrie avessero qualcosa di più nobile e degno di quelli di Carlos Chavez: chiedevo il perché, mi arrabbiavo per il come. Ora che vivo in Israele sono domande che non faccio più. Ad ogni למה?, perché? in Israele si risponde ככה Perché è così.
E qui vorrei scrivere qualcosa sul bel sogno di un mondo senza razzismo e senza antisemitismo ma, scusate, non mi viene. E' un sogno che non ho più. .למה? ככה
Attacco qua di seguito un breve articolo di Ami Isseroff
A Rachel Corrie nobody will talk about
Today a man who came to work in peace, to help realize the dream of an egalitarian socialist society, or perhaps just to have a new experience, was murdered by Arab snipers. His death was hardly noticed, it seems.
A few years ago Rachel Corrie came to Israel to defend terrorists from "Zionist aggressors." She was killed by accident while trying to stop a bulldozer from destroying a building used for smuggling or terror attacks. Her death was trumpeted all over the world as an example of Zionist mentality. We know who she is and what she looked like and why she claimed to have come to Israel. We knew all about her views of the oppressive and evil Zionists.
Today's victim was a righteous victim. He was murdered while planting potato seeds on a communal farm insider Israel. Carlos Chavez was not a reactionary imperialist warmonger illegal settler messianic fanatic - just a man growing food in a communal farm. For whatever reasons, he was planting potato seeds, not seeds of hatred.
For idealistic or frivolous or random reasons, Carlos Chavez came here to help us and be with us, and he paid for it with his life. It is wrong perhaps to ape the path of exploitation of his death for incitement and demonification as Rachel Corrie's "supporters" did. Perhaps there should be no demonstrations about Carlos, and perhaps there should not be any plays about Carlos. Perhaps Carlos was just a fellow looking for an interesting way to spend a few months of his life. Perhaps that is not as praiseworthy as the ideal of helping terrorists. But at least, we should honor our friend who came in peace and died in our war.
1 commento:
Dall'America Latina per lavorare i campi di Israele nonostante i Quassam e, disgraziatamente, anche i cecchini. C'è in questo breve cammino una sorta di scelta di valore. Quella che ti faceva arrabbiare in Italia e che ora fa arrabbiare noi per l'indifferenza nella quale è caduta. Con la speranza, purtroppo vana, che non si ripeterà. "Perchè è così": definitivi questi israeliani e certamente molto concreti.
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